Upya Technologies: Designed for emerging markets, Upya provides all the digital tools distributors need to run a thriving and fully digitised frontier distribution business.
One place to sell anything: Distributors can manage the entire distribution operation through the Upya platform, including Pay-As-You-Go-enabled products, serialised or non-serialised goods, and related services.
Multi distribution channels: Upya’s service can support distributors that run an agent network, a shop network or a franchise network; and those that sell online, in one country or across many.
Collect data on/offline: Data is key and frontier sales often happen offline. Upya enables distributors to collect data in the last mile on- and offline.
Collect payments: Whether via cash, mobile money or bank transfers, Upya’s Payment Gateway helps to make customers’ experience seamless.
Manage it all centrally: Inventory management, sales management, after-sales management, salesforce management. Across one or multiple sales channels. Manage everything from one place.