Tools enabling early-stage LMDs get investment ready

These tools developed by the Global Distributors Collective, and launched during our Getting investment-ready webinar, are for early-stage last mile distributors (LMD) with limited fundraising experience seeking to connect with investors.
These tools have been developed with the support of GET.invest, a European programme which aims to mobilise investment in decentralised renewable energy, supported by the European Union, Germany, Norway, the Netherlands, Sweden and Austria.
Note: The financial model is intended for illustrative use by last mile distributors of products sold on cash or credit. A good financial model should be customised for each business. This tool is not intended as a one-size-fits-all template. The financial model template was published by USAID through their Power Africa initiative and developed for use by companies offering PAYGO financing. The template may not suit your business model and/or stage, however, it may provide learning and inspiration if developing your own financial model. The template may be useful to LMDs interested in learning about tracking a portfolio of customers who have been provided with credit.
Watch recording | Download slides
Investment readiness self-assessment tool | Pitch recommendations and templates tool | Financial modeling tool with sample input