
Benchmarking KPIs for Last Mile Distributors

Published by: Global Distributors Collective
Language: English
Length: 78 pages

A guide for last mile distributors

In this comprehensive reference guide for last mile distributors we explain how to measure 23 key performance indicators.

Alongside each KPI we provide fully-researched benchmark values specifically for companies working at the last mile in low- and middle-income countries.

The indicators can be used to assess business performance in three broad areas: value proposition, sales and marketing, and backend infrastructure and overheads.

The calculation for each KPI is explained in simple terms along with important caveats and clarifications on applying the indicator to your company.

The benchmark values allow you to assess how well your company is doing relative to other distributors in the sector. Plus, best practice advice is also provided on how you can improve your scores for each metric.

Get your company ready for investment

Our hope is that by using this resource you can better understand and improve your business performance – and demonstrate your current performance to others, particularly potential investors.

We know that access to finance is the biggest challenge most last mile distributors face. This publication bridges the technical gap between what information investors need to make informed investment decisions and what data distributors can provide.

We have set out what we consider to be the most important operational KPIs for last mile distributors, with the aim of establishing a longer term, transparent, sector-wide standard.

And we want the wider sector, including investors, donors, technical assistance providers and researchers, to engage with these KPIs and use them when engaging with distributors.

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Excel tool to track your company’s performance

In addition to the publication we have also produced a handy spreadsheet tool that contains all of the KPI calculations and benchmarks. Enter your company’s data into the spreadsheet and track your performance against each indicator.

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