The Global Distributors Collective is hosted by Practical Action, alongside strategic and implementing partner Bopinc.
We are governed by a Steering Committee, which consists of representatives from implementing partners, and guided by an Advisory Council, comprised of member representatives and sector experts. Members are heavily involved in planning, implementing and evaluating all GDC activities. As the sector and our membership evolves, we are actively exploring other governance options to ensure that we are fit-for-purpose in the longer term.
We also have a range of supporting partners who provide advice, support and help shape the work of the GDC – and we help them more effectively engage with and support last mile distributors. The GDC was founded by Practical Action, Bopinc and Hystra in 2018; and Hystra continues to work with the GDC as a delivery partner and as a representative on the Advisory Council.
Strategic and implementing partners undertake other projects and consultancies in the last mile distribution sector, which helps to build knowledge and networks that partners can bring to the GDC. Strategic and implementing partners do not use information or contacts gained through the GDC in other work, and all data provided by GDC members to implementing partners is kept confidential.